FAQ 1: Where are yous originally from?

ANSWER: From World. My family is descendants of Earthians. We have the same passports as those of birds, fish, algae, trees, mountains, wind, sea, clouds, rain. Our passports never expire. Our mother tongue is "love" with a mild terrestrial accent.

FAQ 2: Will you be returning to your country if the regime changes?

ANSWER: No. Would anyone return to a place where they faced the biggest persecutions? We live in a world where most people wouldn't even visit their parents again if they had been subject to domestic abuse. In our case, we fell victims to state terror of our own country of birth. No return... Not even for a visit.

FAQ 3: Did you arrive in the UK by boat?

ANSWER: I don't see how it is relevant. It might be a boat, jet, yacht, unicorn, teleportation, Tardis... Relevant authorities have the right information they need. Don't worry, please.

FAQ 4: How do you manage to make the ends meet with just £5.66?

ANSWER: Because that's not a concern for us. We are more concerned with being safe and free from torture. It's okay if we eat once a day instead of three times a day. Freedom is the biggest need we have.

FAQ 5: Did you choose the UK for its benefits?

ANSWER: No. I hadn't even known about "benefits" until the conservatives mentioned it. The UK was the most remote democratic country as far as I could get away from my persecutors. I would have kept going until Vancouver if I could.

FAQ 6: Do you support Scottish Independence?

ANSWER: It's not my place to have an opinion about it yet. It's something which can only be decided by the people of Scotland. I love this country so much that I can only hope the best for its people. I have no opinions about it.

FAQ 7: You are here to steal our jobs, aren't you?

ANSWER: No. If there's a job, you can get it first. I'm here just to stay alive as a free human being. Don't be so sure of your prejudices. Maybe I will be creating jobs rather than taking up jobs. For now, just let me live.

FAQ 8: Aren't yous missing home? Scotland is all cold and baltic. Your home is hot and nice. 

ANSWER: No,we aren't.Because we are home. Scotland is safer; so nicer. The weather is the least we can care for. If you don't mind living under the rule of a sadistic dictator, you can go there.

FAQ 9: What do you think about the Home Secretary?

ANSWER:  She makes me scared. I don't think she hates us as much as she sounds. She seems to be using the asylum topic as a political instrument as a politician to set the agenda. I'd like to talk and listen to her if given a chance.

FAQ 10: Why are you remaining anonymous as @asylumseekerx ? 


• I feel my identity doesn't matter anymore. I am an asylum-seeker to gov't, institutions, and people more than anything else.

• I fear being spotted by my persecutors. They're powerful

• To be a general voice.


FAQ 11: You aren't an asylum-seeker, are you? Your English is too good.

ANSWER: I'm an asylum-seeker for real. I even have a great solicitor @lisajmcguigan . She is the best. My English may look and sound okay probably because I learnt and worked in English speaking environments.

FAQ 12: You are a big strong man. How come you are vulnerable? ANSWER: For God's sake... I am not vulnerable because I am weak. I am vulnerable because I, as an individual, was overpowered and outnumbered by a very strong government who controls all state powers against me. Being tall and heavy-built doesn't help at all. It is not a pub fight...

FAQ 13 : Why did you run away? Why didn't you stay and fight against your dictator? ANSWER: If I hadn't run, I'd either be tortured to death or imprisoned until my death. To beat the dictator, I and my family need to stay alive raising educated modern generations. This is how I fight.

FAQ 14: Why didn't you run away earlier?  ANSWER: Because I was busy with putting up a fight against the dictator until I ran out of all other options. Contrary to popular belief, seeking asylum in the UK cannot be at the top on somebody's options list. It is the second last; one above the option of "stay, get tortured, die".

FAQ 15: Our veterans are homeless because of you. Why help you? ANSWER: Your homeless veterans, if any, and asylum seekers are the end result of the same violence. State terror and terror know no boundaries in violence and sadism. They give PTSD to soldiers, and destruction to refugees.

FAQ 16: What is the most upsetting experience in your asylum process?ANSWER: Too many. But I remember this one: During our stay in the asylum hostel, I have seen some asylum seekers grouping and holding grudges against each other depending on sect and ethnicity. I, too, was targeted. 

FAQ17: What is one of the most ridiculous things you have faced? ANSWER: When an official asks "Do you have any mental health issues?" It sounds like "Have we managed to break you yet?". They're not asking because they care. They are just looking for reasons to void asylum claims.

 FAQ 18: "Why would I want my tax money to go to asylum seekers?" ANSWER: There isn't your name on the "money". It's probably mostly from international funds. Imagine asylum supports are funded by the corporate taxes coming from the arms-industry that generate dictators and war-lords.

 FAQ19: "As an objective observer, do you think Scottish independence will happen?" ANSWER: It is Scottish people's decision. I anticipate it'll happen. English nationalism is pushing all home countries out of the union which Brexit has already severed(N.Ireland's post-Brexit status). 

FAQ 20: How did you feel when you approached the officer to tell you wanted to claim asylum? ANSWER: Ready for an end... I was cornered by a dictator. I was surrendering ourselves to a neutral country as a last resort. I opened my mouth but the words didn't come out. Then detention…

FAQ 21: What would you advise journalists reporting about asylum matters? ANSWER: I'm sorry to say this but I have to. This is, like New Yorkers say, a true fact . Journalists mostly don't know how to ask questions. They sometimes ask questions as naïve as "So wheels are round, right?"




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