Dexy's Under the Bus - Craig & Rachel Smillie



Dexy's Under the Bus - Craig & Rachel Smillie

When the goon squad cam fur oor neighbours

It caused an almighty fuss

Cause they couldnae drive the Mariah at a

Cause Declan wiz under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus

They sent aw the polis in Glesga

They said "Whit's up? Whit's the fuss?"

"These Kenmure Street Reds won't get out the road

And some nutter is under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus

They sent fur help tae Westminster

You could hear them doon there scream and cuss

Tell Miss Priti Patel she can go straight to hell

We've got Dexy under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus

We welcome aw migrants tae Scotland

Oor Neighbours are aw wannae us

They're Glaswegians noo and to prove it to you

We've got Dexy under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus

If the planners wahnt tae develop

A new coat o airms fur us

Oor street! Oor City! Oor Glesga!

And Declan under the bus.

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus

If the Home Office try ony merr o their tricks

We'll meet them fuhl squerr in the pus

The Kenmure Street gang will be coming alang

We'll get Dexy back under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Dexy's under the bus

Eight hoors hingin on the axle

Dexy's under the bus


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